
Turning Left or Right 
(from a Major road to a Minor road)

Here we use the MSM(PSGL) routine again, like we use when pulling up


MIRRORS – First check REAR mirror, to assess the picture behind you. Seeing how close any cars behind are and how fast they are traveling.  If turning left now check LEFT door mirror, checking to see if there is any thing (bikes etc. that may affect you turning left).  If turning right check your RIGHT door mirror for any other vehicles that might be overtaking you.

SIGNAL - Think about the timing of the signal; it's important. Not too soon, this could mislead other road users (including pedestrians). Not so late that it doesn't give information early enough. 

POSITION – For turning left we want to adopt a normal driving position, usually not moving to left, and don't swing out to the right. As kerb starts flowing to left follow it.  For turning right usually position yourself towards the centre of the road just to left of the white line.  This allows other cars to pass on the left if there is enough room, your position is also a good indicator to other cars of what you are intending to do.

SPEED - Usually around 10/12mph. This speed should usually be attained by around a car or twos length away from junction. (Parked cars, tight junctions and other road users are just some of the reasons you may change the speed you want) 

GEAR - Pick a gear to match the speed, 10/12 would usually be second, below around 10 would usually be 1st. 

LOOK - Look into new road, and up ahead for any hazards that will require you to reduce your speed further.  Remember if you are turning right you are giving priority to on coming vehicles.

Once into new road, check your mirrors to asses what's now behind you. Also asses the new situation ahead before picking up speed.

Emerging Left or Right 
(from a Minor road into a Major road)

This is where you are coming from a minor road into the major road.  You will notice there are many similarities to turning (Where you are moving into the minor road).  Especially in the Mirrors – Signal and Position areas.  It’s your speed where you will often notice the difference here.


MIRRORS – First check REAR mirror, to assess the picture behind you. Seeing how close any cars behind are and how fast they are traveling.  If turning left now check LEFT door mirror, checking to see if there is any thing (bikes etc. that may affect you turning left).  If turning right check your RIGHT door mirror for any other vehicles that might be overtaking you. 

SIGNAL - Think about the timing of the signal; it's important. Not too soon, this could mislead other road users (including pedestrians). Not so late that it doesn't give information early enough.

POSITION – For turning left we want to adopt a normal driving position, usually not moving to left, and don't swing out to the right. As kerb starts flowing to left follow it.  For turning right usually position yourself towards the centre of the road just to left of the white line.  This allows other cars to pass on the left if there is enough room, your position is also a good indicator to other cars of what you are intending to do.

SPEED - Depending on vision of new road, is the junction Open or Closed. For a closed junction usually a slow walking pace is required, ready to stop (you want to prepare to stop and only go when you can see it is 100% safe to do so) The more open the junction. The less we may need to slow down.

GEAR - Pick a gear to match your speed, for closed junctions below 10mph. Take up first gear and leave clutch down as you roll towards the line (unless up hill).  Open junctions using 2nd gear are usually done more in a driving style with clutch up. 

LOOK - LADA. (LOOK, ASSESS, DECIDED, ACT) - approaching junction. LOOKING left and right and ahead to ASSESS the situation. DECIDING if we need to stop at the line or if we can continue. Now ACT on decision. If going. Raise clutch and apply gas. If stopping, apply brake.  

Once into new road, check your mirrors to asses what's now behind you. Also, asses the new situation ahead of you.

Hopefully this information will help you in the early few lessons and beyond.  The most important thing is to relax and enjoy your lessons.